SOMATRIX: Embodying the Sacred Self


An Imaginative Story.....

In Japan, the houses have sliding doors between each room, and solid walls creating the outside boundaries.  This allows one to easily modify the living spaces, and to occupy more or less space as needed.

Let’s say that you’ve grown up in such a Japanese-style house that has 4 rooms, some with sliding door walls and some with solid walls.  Everyone you know also has such a house, and it offers a completely comfortable and practical lifestyle - really, everything you need.  You are familiar with the ability to open and close your living spaces inside the house, but of course not the outside walls which create the external boundaries of the house.

Imagine, one day you learn that there is a way to shift your personal energetic frequency - something like changing the radio dial to pick up a different wavelength, or playing music in a higher octave.  When you shift your frequency and look around your house, you see through a different filter.  You still see the usual ‘things’, but you also see more subtle details and colors and the spaces in between.  

When you look at your walls, the ones that used to appear solid, you can now see that they also have sliding doors.  You couldn’t see the doors before because they do not show up through the filter of your old, habitual frequency.  So you open those new doors and find an entirely new room!  This room has sliding doors on every wall, which you can open and explore.  In fact, every room has sliding doors on all walls.  Your journey has just begun....

This has always been your true house - the spaces that represent your unlimited potential.  The only thing you needed was the curiosity and skill to shift your own frequencies to the version of you that easily sees the doors, and then the skill and courage to open the doors and begin exploring.

Somatrix™ courses teach you how to shift your frequency, using your mind and body.  

Scientists agree that we actually use a very small percentage of our brain and our DNA - so what’s the rest of it for?  Why do we have anatomy and physiology that we are not using?  Perhaps, it’s not needed in our regular habitual frequency - our 3D existence.  Perhaps, it’s waiting to be activated by our ability to shift our embodied consciousness frequency to 5D, the next step in humanity’s journey.

Just like the seemingly solid walls suddenly reveal their sliding doors in our story, our true unlimited potential is revealed to us as soon as we are able to shift ourselves to a higher level of embodied consciousness.  Embodying the Sacred Self takes you through the process of shifting yourself, in mind and body, so that you can access your true, unlimited nature.

Why is this course being offered?

There are so many beings on the planet at this moment who are looking for tools to raise their consciousness frequencies beyond our current 3 Dimensional status, joining the energetic shifts of the Earth/Gaia/Tara, and the ongoing raising of consciousness of the human species.  Some people identify this ongoing consciousness shift as the "5D Ascension", others identify it as the transition to 4th Dimensional existence, and others know it as a frequency change, or simply, the growth of individual and collective consciousness.  

Many, many, people are doing this work on psychic and energetic levels - but relatively few are able to support this effort through an embodied experience, creating the foundation for our growth through the awakening of the latent physiology and the qualities we choose for our physical, every day, lived experience.  This course teaches you how to use your mind-body to support your consciousness growth and soul development.  We have abilities that we are generally not accessing, that are built into the human psycho-physical-energetic design.  These latent parts of our 'physiological' template can be recognized, activated, and used as the new platform for our next stage of development.  

As we have chosen to have an embodied experience, and to learn and grow through life experience, this shift of consciousness is not simply a 'once-and-done' process.  Rather, it offers us the chance to consider deeply, through mind and body, the choices we make in our lives, and why we make them.  If offers us the chance to question whether we are listening to and embodying our true expansive self, or the programming that surrounds us. And, it offers the potential to experience the power of the embodied experience - to understand that the innate design of our body is so much more than a convenient vehicle for our mind.  It is a powerful vehicle for transformation.  Understanding how it works and what it is capable of is a core part of our growth process.

Whatever your understanding and belief set is, this course offers you access to the somatic anchors for resonating at a higher consciousness frequency that is built into the Human Design.  You will learn how you may be interfering with the basic 3D mind-body design, which limits your potential for growth.  You will learn how to use your full design in your every day life and activities - literally doing whatever you normally do in a new and more conscious way.  It is about living in the new paradigm.  Yes, resonating at a different frequency and becoming more awakened, but also shifting how you actually live your daily life.

Embodying the Sacred Self teaches you how to access, activate, and use your innate design for an embodied expansion of consciousness.

The next sections include the following topics, please scroll as needed:

  • Nuts & Bolts - the details of the course:

    • Course offerings
    • Modalities
    • Core Lessons
    • Workshops
    • Certification of Completion
    • Costs
  • Deeper Details

Nuts & Bolts

The Course Offerings

There are multiple elements and offerings each month which can be attended live (virtual) or via recording on your own timing.  The monthly schedule is:

  • Week 1 - a virtual class introducing the Core Lesson Theme for the month
  • Week 2 - a virtual Process Art session exploring the Core Lesson
  • Week 3 - a virtual Embodied Ascension Workshop, offering a new tool each month  
  • Week 4 - a virtual class focusing on the Integration of the month's Core Lesson
  • Supportive Prompts - Offered 3X/week, these brief prompts for continuous writing, process artwork, or somatic studies, provide an essential reminder that you are on a deep personal journey. The prompts offer practical daily studies designed to support the current themes being explored, as well as useful ways to incorporate new ways of being into your daily activities.
  • Community Forum - This is a virtual gathering space for community sharing and support, hosted on Telegram.

Optional Opportunities - These options are offered for Course participants, and can be added to your Course Program if/when needed throughout the year, at an additional cost.  There is no obligation to include these options, although many people find them particularly useful for individually-tailored support.  Both the retreats and the lessons are led by Course Director, Robyn Avalon.

  • in-person retreats in the US, Europe, and Japan
  • individual lessons, in-person or online (lesson packages can be purchased for a deeper discount)

The Modalities

  • Explanation/Discussion - as a means for understanding 
  • Source Artwork - to access deeper material - (no art experience needed)
  • Deep Imagery - as a support system for deeper exploration, developing relationships with guides
  • Somatic Studies - to recognize your current habits of embodiment and make new choices
  • Continuous Writing - to access deeper understanding
  • Council Sharing - to create community and learn from each other
  • Daily Life Applications - to create new habits of living
  • Tools and Activations for Embodied Ascension
  • Reality Creation and Manifestation tools
  • In-person/Virtual Individual Lessons - (optional); to identify and clear deeply rooted patterns
  • In-person Community Gatherings - (optional); to harness the power of group containers for growth

The Core Lessons for Humanity

The 13 month course is structured on the 13 Core Lessons for Humanity, as offered by Metatron, through intuitive channeler Aimee Mosco. These core themes must be deeply explored and embodied on the path to raising consciousness.  Each month will focus on a Core Lesson, using a variety of experiential studies, in service of identifying and clearing any material (physical, emotional, beliefs, energetic, genealogical, etc) that is keeping you stuck in any way around these Core themes.  We will collectively explore these themes, allowing any limiting beliefs and actions to be recognized and resolved, in order for you to fully embody the freedom that they offer.  We will also explore how you embody your relationship to these themes, and how to release habitual patterns of holding as you clear the limiting mental-emotional-energetic material.

Think of this as a 13 month mind-body-spirit cleanse or reset, in which you have the opportunity to clear the 3D systems, so that you can activate and live in the new systems with ease.

Embodied Ascension Workshops

Each month will introduce a new tool for activating the latent 5D physiology built into the Human Design.  These topics may include: 

    • activating the 5D 13 chakra system
    • identifying and activating the 7 core magnetic resonance fields
    • balancing the magnetic resonance of each field
    • accessing elements of the 5D physiology
    • releasing embodied blockages from your current belief sets
    • accessing and building deeper relationships with your guides
    • embracing and embodying the CLAIRS (clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc)

What do you get upon completion of the course?

Primarily, people take this course for their own personal development.

As American philosopher, Ram Dass, explains so eloquently: "The only thing you have to offer another being, ever, is your own state being."  So even if you are a coach or practitioner wanting to add new tools and skills to your toolbox, you still begin with your own growth process.

For those who do want to use these tools in their practice with others, all participants will receive a Certificate of Completion of Somatrix™ Level 1 Training.  This Certification allows you to continue on to the subsequent levels of Somatrix™ training, leading towards becoming a certified Somatrix™ practitioner, with skills to support others through their growth process. There is no expectation that participants will continue Somatrix™ training; the course stands alone as a complete personal study.

The Costs

The cost for the 13 month course is $225/month for 13 months or $2925; which can be paid up front or in monthly installments.  The EARLYBIRD registration deadline is 12/15/24, and the regular registration deadline is 1/15/25.  The Course begins with a preliminary virtual gathering on Sunday January 19, and the full schedule will begin Sunday February 2, with the first Core Lesson.

This Course includes:

    • one virtual class* each week for 13 months (Core Theme/Source Art/Tools Workshop/Integration),
    • experiential studies for your personal practice (3 each week),
    • an online community support network, 
    • + discounted access to in-person retreats, 
    • + discounted individual in-person or online sessions with the Course Director

*Classes will be recorded for viewing convenience.


  • There is a 10% Discount for those who register and pay by December 15, 2024
    • use coupon code EARLYBIRD
  • There is a 10% Discount for the Alexander Alliance International community of faculty, graduates, and trainees. (CAS, AAE, AAJ)
    • use coupon code AAI
  • There is a discounted tuition for In-Person Retreats (optional)
    • Retreat Tuition for participants is $200/day (normally $250/day)
    • * the discount does not apply to other Retreat costs, such as room & board
    • Retreats are tentatively scheduled for these locations, details to be confirmed once the course begins:
      • Santa Fe, NM, USA
      • Zurich, Switzerland
      • Dorsten, Germany 
      • Florence, Italy
      • Kyoto, Japan
  • There is a 10% Discount for in-person or online private sessions with Course Director, Robyn Avalon
    • Individual Session rate is $250/hour, bringing the cost down to $225/hour
    • Lesson packages (6 or 13 lessons) at a 20% discount are also available

Deeper Details

  • Transitioning from the 3D system programming to the 4/5D system programming is the ascension process that humanity is currently going through.
  • When the 3D template is used without interference, it creates the conditions where the activation of the 4/5D frequencies can occur with ease.  Or said another way: full embodiment of the 4/5D programming relies on 3D programming to be functioning in its most effective state.
  • You cannot effectively experience living in physical form in 4/5D frequency solely through the strategy of ‘leaving’ your physical body.  Hence, the need to learn how to engage the full potential of the human body-mind-spirit design through the body.
  • This engagement of the latent 4/5D design has 3 basic steps:
    • become able to embody and utilize the 3D design without interference
    • activate key elements of the latent 5D design,
    • learn to live an embodied life using a 5D template, including the ability to discern when you are in 3D or 5D resonance within your body systems, and to change frequencies at will.

    As with all new choices, this choice to live through the 4/5D template will become habitual with sufficient conscious repetition.  The Course material is designed to provide the necessary awareness and repetitions for successfully creating new embodied habits.

    Did you know that it takes 400 repetitions to create a new habit, unless you do it through play, in which case it only takes 10!    This explains why the entire course is designed to offer profound shifts in your embodied awareness and activation of 5D elements latent in your innate design through playful, imaginative, interactive, embodied studies which deeply engage your curiosity and excitement.  

    More questions?

    If you have any further questions about the Course, please feel free to contact me at:

    I hope to see you in class!


    Learn more about Robyn

    21 Modules


    Find out what to expect, what you'll need, and how to get the most of your experience.

    Notes from the Info Meetings

    This lesson offers a review of the info meeting held 1/19/25 with the EU/US participants. 

    It also includes a video recording of the class.


    All of our Prompts will be kept here, as well as in the chat, for easier reference.

    Modules for this product 21

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    Payment Options

     ESS One Time Payment
     $ 2,925.00 USD
     ESS Monthly Payments
     $ 225.00 USD  ( then $225.00 USD for 12 months )
     6 Individual Lesson Package (20% discount)
     $ 1,200.00 USD
     13 Individual Lesson Package (20% discount + one free lesson)
     $ 2,400.00 USD

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