Introduction to Body Mapping

In this FREE introductory class, you'll learn what Body Mapping is, what Living in a Body™ is, and why it's so important to know about it - both for yourself and for others who you may work with as an educator or practitioner.

Unfortunately, most people have never been taught how exquisitely our bodies are designed to do the basic movements of everyday life: walking, reaching, standing, bending, sitting, lifting, and so on. Thus we often ask our bodies to function in ways that we are simply not designed to handle – resulting in pain, injury, and degeneration.  When you study body mapping, you can once again move with ease and comfort,  by learning to work with, rather than against, your natural design.

Body Mapping is a study of your beliefs (maps) about your body and your innate design and coordination.

Living in a Body™ is a series of online and in-person courses for studying body mapping.

Your nervous system is designed to use those beliefs as the software to organize your body (the hardware) - whether or not those beliefs are conscious or accurate

So, even though you may be trying to so something differently - like learn something new or gain more technical proficiency or just be more comfortable and have greater stability and flexibility - if you haven’t considered your underlying beliefs (map) about how your body is designed to do that activity, then you will not be able to change how you do it!  

Once you have the ability to recognize and change your mismaps (incorrect beliefs), you can access your innate design for ease, flexibility, strength, and stability.

If it sounds like a lot of complicated anatomy study, don't worry!  Through the Living in a Body™ courses, you'll learn through simple explorations of your body, stories, pictures, and imaginative studies - no fancy words to remember or previous experience needed. 

The Living in a Body™ courses are specifically designed to teach you how to recognize and change mismaps. They not anatomy courses, although you will learn about your anatomy, especially your design.  It’s not about learning the names of things, but rather, where they are, what they do, what they are related to, and why they are important, in the large scheme of your whole design.

Thousands of people throughout the USA, Europe, and Asia have taken the LIAB™ courses over the past 30 years.  They are open to all those interested in understanding the functional design of the body, and are particularly useful for professionals and teachers in performing and fine arts, movement and martial arts, fitness and athletics, equestrians, primary educators, body workers, therapists, and health professionals.

Start now with this free introduction to the world of Body Mapping, and the Living in a Body™ courses!

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