Body Tuning™

This BODY TUNING course will teach you how to establish a 'readiness' for whatever you are about to do, both in your awareness and your body.  Using the 4 major areas of your body, you will learn to find a relative (muscular) tone for your whole body before you begin any activity - not too tight and not too loose - allowing you to access your coordination, power, and ease with confidence no matter what the task.

Let's use the example of a string player as a simple way to describe the process:

Before any instrumentalist plays a note, they tune. Why?

Well, it gets everything and everyone ready to make music.  The basic notes, or strings (if it's a string instrument), are in relative balance with each other so that the instrument is ready to make music. Things are neither too tight nor too loose.  It also gets the player ready - in the mindset or field of making music.  And, of course, it gets various instruments all agreeing on a specific frequency, for folks who will be playing together.  

It's a prequel to whatever is about to happen.  It creates a 'readiness'.

It's a moment of conscious attentiveness that separates the time without music from the time when music will be played, creating a very special threshold. 

And it's so engrained in a musician's awareness that they don't even think about whether or not it will happen.  Of course it will happen before any music is played!  No one would consider skipping the tuning!

But, all of that tuning is for the instrument that comes out of a case or is already set up in the room.  What about the other instrument that is about to be played?  The body instrument.  Has it been tuned for ideal relative tension and tone?  Is it ready?

What would your life be like if you were able to quickly and efficiently create this 'tuning' - this readiness - this special threshold - before you embarked on whatever you chose to do?  Before you played an instrument, sure; but what if you used this tuning before you had an important conversation? Before you played your favorite sport, or tried a new activity?  Before you wrote a love note, or took a walk in Nature?

How would the quality of your life change if you had access to this special threshold in any and every moment? Would it make you more conscious? More appreciative?  More skilled?  More connected?  Certainly you would be more organized, coordinated, and awake in the present moment.

In this highly experiential LIVING IN A BODY™ course, you will learn how to quickly 'tune' the 4 major areas of your body, resulting, at a physical level, in the:

  • releasing of habitual holding patterns and 'brakes',
  • freeing of each of the weight-supporting joints,
  • accessing the essential micro-movements required for balance, 
  • establishing the relative dynamic interplay of each body area in relation to the others,
  • awakening of deep, innate patterns of coordination
  • re-establishment of ease, stability, flexibility, and strength within your entire system

Who knows what will happen at all of the non-physical levels?  Why not find out?

How will you use this easy and reliable tool for becoming more present and ready in daily life?

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